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10-11-7 07:33| 发布者: lujunfei| 查看: 2479| 评论: 0

摘要: 英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言这一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。据1986年的统计, 世界上以英语为母语的人近4亿,差不多每十个人中就有一个人讲英语。英国、美国、加拿大、澳 大利亚、新西兰等国家的人都讲英 ...

       英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言这一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。据1986年的统计, 世界上以英语为母语的人近4亿,差不多每十个人中就有一个人讲英语。英国、美国、加拿大、澳 大利亚、新西兰等国家的人都讲英语。世界上约有20国家把英语作为官方语言或第二语言使用,共 计约有8亿人。在推介增城给世界认识的过程,正确的增城市政府机构的英文翻译名称是非常重要的。



增城市人民政府办公厅:general office, the people’s government of zengcheng municipality
增城市发展计划委员会development planning commission of zengcheng municipality
增城市粮食局:grain administration of zengcheng municipality)
增城市经济委员会:economic commission of zengcheng municipality

增城市安全生产监督管理局:(bureau of work safety of zengcheng municipality)
增城市商业局:bureau of commerce of zengcheng municipality
增城市教育局:bureau of education of zengcheng municipality
增城市科学技术局:bureau of science and technology of zengcheng municipality

增城市民族宗教事务局:bureau of ethnic and religious affairs of zengcheng municipality
增城市公安局:bureau of public security of zengcheng municipality
增城市监察局:bureau of supervision of zengcheng municipality
增城市民政局:bureau of civil affairs of zengcheng municipality

增城市司法局:bureau of justice of zengcheng municipality
增城市财政局:bureau of finance of zengcheng municipality
增城市人事局:bureau of personnel of zengcheng municipality
增城市劳动和社会保障局:bureau of labour and social security of zengcheng municipality

增城市国土资源和房屋管理局:bureau of land resources and housing management of zengcheng municipality
增城市建设委员会:construction commission of zengcheng municipality
增城市交通委员会:communications commission of zengcheng municipality
增城市水利局:bureau of water resources of zengcheng municipality

增城市农业局:bureau of agriculture of zengcheng municipality
增城市海洋与渔业局:bureau of marine and fishery of zengcheng municipality
增城市对外贸易经济合作局:bureau of foreign trade and economic cooperation of zengcheng municipality
增城市文化局:bureau of culture of zengcheng municipality
增城市卫生局:bureau of health of zengcheng municipality






